Thursday, November 28, 2019
Nuremberg Trials Essays (782 words) - International Criminal Law
Nuremberg Trials After World War II, numerous war-crimes trials tried and convicted many Axis leaders. Judges from Great Britain, France, the Soviet Union, and the United States tried twenty-two Nazi leaders for: crimes against humanity (mostly about the Holocaust), violating long-established rules of war, and waging aggressive war. This was known as the "Nuremberg Trials." Late in 1946, the German defendants were indicted and arraigned before a war crimes tribunal at Nuremberg. Twenty of the defendants were physicians who, as governmental, military, or SS officials, stood at or near the top of the medical hierarchy of the Third Reich. The other three occupied administrative positions which brought them into close connection with medical affairs. It all started when people started hearing about the Nazi's in human acts, just about four months after World War II started. No one would believe that such a thing would happen. While the people were thinking like that the Jews were being shipped out of the country. Some of them were put in working camps or at a person's farm. This was the beginning of the Final Solution of the German's Problem (the Holocaust). On August 8 the Four Power nation signed the London Agreement. They later named it the International Military Tribunal (IMT), it had 8 judges, one judge and one alternate. This was made so that they would try to stop the Nazi crimes (Rice Jr. 81). They had supplementary Nuremberg hearings that were broken down into twelve trials. In connection with these trials, the U.S. military tribunals had thirty-five defendants and released nineteen of them because they could find anything to get them on (Rice Jr. 76). They made Nuremberg Laws because of Hitler's concentration camps and his other inhuman acts (Rice Jr. 31). He didn't go by the lead system, he made himself the Supreme Judge. Hitler could imprison or execute anyone he wanted to. He made laws keeping Jews out of certain public places or jobs. He wouldn't let Jews have German citizenship. The Nuremberg Laws stated that there would be no more inhuman acts or segregation of Jews. One of the positive sides of the Nuremberg incident was the trials documented Nazi crimes for posterity. Many citizens of the world remember hearing about the Nazi's brutalities and inhuman acts (Rice Jr., 5). Hundreds of official Nazi documents entered into evidence at Nuremberg tell the horrible tale of the Third Reich in the Nazi's own words. Six million Jews, and others not liked by the Nazis were killed. Not one convicted Nazi denied that the mass killing had occurred. Each disclaimed only personal knowledge and responsibility. The negative things that happened at Nuremberg were the establishment of the I.M.T. has yet to lead to a permanent counterpart before which crimes against humanity can be tried. Twenty-four wars between nations and ninety-three civil wars or insurgencies between 1945 and 1992, no international body had been convened to try aggressor nations or individuals accused of war crimes. To prosecute and punish aggression rest still on the wavering will of an international community ever reluctant to impose sanctions on offending governments (Rice Jr. 100). Despite the reluctance of nations to unite in common cause and move swiftly toward a lasting road to aggression, hope yes abides for the best of Nuremberg's brightest promise. The world had a problem of what to do about the Nazi regime that had presided over the extermination of some six million Jews and deaths of millions of others with no basis in military necessity. Never before in history had the victors tried the vanquished for crimes committed during a war (Rice Jr., 97). Yet never in history had the vanquished perpetrated crimes of such inhumanity. The I.M.T., like the courts in many countries, have held to the principle that persons committing a criminal violation of international law are responsible for violation, on the grounds that crimes of this nature are the result of their own acts (Rice 1492). The tribunal thought for crimes carried out on orders from above, since many of the crimes had been committed in one with the Reich policy (Rice 1493). The portion of the I.M.T. judgment dealing with war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by the defendants in the trial and by the criminal organizations concerns, in large measure, the persecution and murder of the Jewish people. In its analysis of these crimes, the I.M.T. found it appropriate to single out the persecution of the Jews as a manifestation of consistent and systematic in humanity on a huge scale (Rice 1493). The testimony
Monday, November 25, 2019
Research Paper Introduction on Abortion
Research Paper Introduction on Abortion The attitude towards abortion has always been and still is very controversial. It has, however, changed throughout the history of humanity: for example, it was commonly accepted in the times of Ancient Greece and Rome. On the other hand, he majority of men were against abortion as they felt they were entitled to have a baby. There are a few references to abortion in an Old Testament, where a fetus was perceived rather than an object, not a living being. In other words, there was a law, that if a person causes a miscarriage, he must be punished for that. There are no references to this topic in the New Testament. Later on, abortion in the western world was not considered a crime if done before a certain period, usually before 18-20 weeks. It was a common practice in the colonial America, but was usually kept in secret, as sexual activity before marriage was disapproved by the society. The Abortion Act of 1967 in England fully legalized abortion, but under certain conditions. It states that a doctor has the right to perform an abortion if other two doctors agree that this is done for the sake of the woman. For example, doctors are sure that giving birth to a child will cause physical or mental harm to a woman. Still, there are lots of debates concerning whether abortion should be legalized or not. The cons of abortion usually include the following facts: Abortion is a crime. Even if it is a fetus, it is still a process of killing someone who deserves to live. Abortion can often lead to serious complications, injury to the uterus or cervix if done by unskilled doctor, or serious infection. Some of the factors, including the above mentioned complications, can lead to a risk of not being able to become pregnant again. It is a stressful and unpleasant experience, and a person can feel depressed and guilty for the rest of the life. On the other hand, there are facts that prove that abortion is legal and should be done in certain cases: Only a woman who is pregnant has a right to decide whether to do abortion or to keep a baby, provided she is of sound mind. Neither doctors, nor anti-abortion activists will have to take care of a baby, but it is a woman who has to decide whether she is capable and ready for that. The current stage of the medicine development enables doctors to detect any possible problems that a woman can have while giving a birth to a child. So, if doctors are sure that giving a birth to a child can be dangerous for a woman, they may convince her to make an abortion. The similar situation is with a baby. If doctors diagnose that a baby is very likely to have a disease after birth, a woman has to decide whether to make an abortion or to give a birth to a child, who can later on suffer for the rest of its life. If a woman got pregnant after a rape, then having an abortion is a way to get rid both of an unwanted baby and the psychological trauma after such a dire experience. There will probably never be a clear answer to whether abortion should be legal or not, whether it is morally right, or if it is the biggest crime a person can commit. Anyway, people have to deal with someone elses life, one of the most valuable things a person can have, so it is necessary to think carefully and consider every detail. Tips on Writing a Research Paper Introduction on a Controversial Topic: To write a good introduction, you have to provide the readers with clues to what the paper is going to be about. Stay close to the point and keep the introduction short. As your topic is controversial, make it clear what position you take on the matter. Make sure that you conclusion and introduction coincide. Re-read the introduction and conclusion and compare them.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
How Business ethical problem effect economy Essay
How Business ethical problem effect economy - Essay Example Sweatshops are mainly concentrated around regions like South Asia, Southeast Asia, Latin America, and so on. Most employees of sweatshops are denied sufficient salaries and are, in most cases, bound to the messy quarters that are cramped with machines and other equipments. These quarters also serve as homes for these workers where they sleep and eat. Because of their poor conditions, sweatshops impinge on the fundamental liberties of labors and are a serious violation of human rights which is why they present an ethical issue. They provide convenient and cheap sources of labor for high-end clothing and apparel manufacturers, which is why they continue to exist in the present century although strict laws regarding labor exist. After Nike, Zara has also been caught in a commotion regarding sweatshops where it had to pay a fine for operating sweatshops in Brazil (Sum of Us, n.pag.). However, the fine does not seem to have inhibited the capitalistic endeavors of Zara. The sweatshop issue is not a new one and their existence can be traced back to the early 20th century when women and children were the most common forced laborers (Rosen, 1). The Universal Declaration of Human Rights developed by the United Nations clearly mentions the rights of workers to healthy working environments. Thus, in the light of the UDHR, companies must pursue a policy of good practices providing a workable environment with appropriate wage rates and stipulated working hours. With bonded labor, various sweatshop workers are forced to work in bad environments which include long working hours and no breaks in between. To top this, workers are paid very little money to live on and mostly live in the same quarter they work in. So sweatshops characterize poor working places with overworked and underpaid labors. So, the companies are able to acquire very cheap labor out of sweatshops. The main ethical concern regarding sweatshops is
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
McKenzie Corporations Capital Budgeting Assignment
McKenzie Corporations Capital Budgeting - Assignment Example It is of immense importance that one gets the knowledge on the market as well as comprehends the nature of the economy. Based on the calculated values the stockholders are better off with an expansion in the company. This is because the value is higher by $9 million that implies that the firm's value, as well as the profits, would increase. Question 2 Debt of Company - $34 million Expected value of debt without the expansion = 0.30*34 + 0.50*34 + 0.20*34 = $34 million. The expansion is fully financed by equity this implies that the debt does not change. Therefore, the value of expected debt will remain the same with no changes. Question 3 Expected value of the company without expansion =E (value of company) =P (Low)*V (Low) +P (Normal)*V (Normal) + P (High)*V (High) =0.3*30 +0.5*35 + 0.2*51 = $36.7 million Expected value of the company with expansion =E (value of company) =P (Low)*V (Low) + P (Normal)*V (Normal) +P (High)*V (High) - Cost of financing = .30*33 + .50*46 + .20*64 -8.4 = $ 37.3 million The value of debt remains the same this implies that the additional value would be for the stockholders. The value expected for the stockholders = 0.6 million while the expected value for the bondholders =0. Change in the expected net Value due to the expansion =37.3 - 36.7= 0.6 million Question 4 An expansion of the company there will lead to a decrease in debt to equity ratio as well as long-term risk of the company. This is because the equity of the company will rise. The bond value, as well as the price of bonds for the company, will increase. This will also be accompanied by an increase in the profits to both stockholders as well as bondholders of the company (Ross, 390). Without an expansion, the value of bonds in the company will not change. The status of the bondholders remains unchanged, as well. The value of the debt remains as $34 million. Question 5 Without expansion, the equity of the company remains the same in the next year as in the current year. This is since additional capital will not be necessary if there is no expansion. Debt is, therefore, not of the essence in both the present and the future the company as it will not be able to borrow (Ross, 390). This will be in the case where the company continues to decrease their current debt. The company will not have greater equity in the next year once the debt covenants are over. This implies that the company will not access the financing it needs to expand. If the company expands, it will not be able to raise the debt. This is because they are prohibited from issuing any additional borrowing. They would then need to do the expansion by means of equity
Monday, November 18, 2019
Innovation and Sustainability Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Innovation and Sustainability - Essay Example This activity involves cutting, burning and bulldozing trees down to clear land or gain access to more land. It harms the earth when the carbon monoxide seeps into the soil and floats off into the atmosphere. The consumption point of this process is having land cleared to build an industry or commercial business. It allows humans to produce products and consume currency. Industrialization is also a major human production habit. It involves processing of raw material, could be natural resources from the earth, into finished products. Agriculture supports industrialization in the food sector and food systems sustenance (Likens, Driscoll & Buso 1996, p.120). This particular production habit has been greatly influenced by the technological changes and the scarce resources. These two factors have resulted to a lot of innovation and high utilization of the available resource. Consumption is the direct utilization of material resources. Transportation is one way that humans consume. The number of vehicles has increased gradually and the fuel we use to run them is very harmful to the atmosphere. In this way we consume the efficiency of mobility by producing vehicles to ferry us to our destinations. In the larger picture production is also a part of consumption especially in transportation since in the process of production materials have to be moved from one site to another. The concept of sustainable consumption and production is comprehensive and takes a holistic approach to the systems of production and consumption. Humans have to seek ways to ultimately reverse or reduce the negative social and ecological impacts. This calls for a means of aligning economic systems to meet the needs of current and future generations within the ecological carrying capacity of the Earth. Policy instruments and tools that affect change and shift in production and consumption patterns are efforts that need to be considered in sustenance of the global population.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Iodine Clock Reaction: Kinetic Study
Iodine Clock Reaction: Kinetic Study The order of reaction with respect to I Ãâ¹Ã¢â¬ ° was determined to be 1 and the order of reaction for Ãâ¹Ã¢â¬ ° was determined to be 1. This was determined through the Method of Initial Rates. The elapsed time it took for the reaction to occur was recorded as were the concentrations of the reactants. This helped us derive the order of each reactant which helped us find the overall order which was 2. This helped us derive the specific rate constant, k, which was 1.93 x. Introduction: The rate of reaction is a positive quantity that expresses how the concentration of a reactant or product changes with time. As the reactant(s) decrease the product increases/is formed as demonstrated in the chemical reaction A+B à ¯Ãâà C. Ãâ[Reactants] Ãâ[Products]>0 The rate of reaction, also known as rate expression, can be in the form of R=k[A] à à « [B]à ¢Ã à ¿ [1] The rate equation is expressed as a mathematical relationship describing the dependence of reaction rate upon the concentration of the reactants. The higher the concentration of starting materials (reactants), the more rapidly a reaction would take place. The lower the concentration of starting materials, the slower a reaction would take place, therefore proving that the reaction rate depends upon the concentration of the reactants. R in equation [1] represents the rate of the reaction in terms of the increase in concentration of products divided by the time it took for the change to occur. k,unlike R, is independent of any other quantities and remains the same. It is known as the rate constant. The bracketed unit represents the concentrations of the reactants, A and B. The exponent in front of the brackets represents the sum of the concentration pertaining to [A] à à « and [B]à ¢Ã à ¿ and is defined as the order of the reaction. The order of the reaction is determined only through means of experimentation. The overall sum of all the exponents is known as the total order. The order of a reaction provides the amount of steps it takes a reactant to form a product. The slowest step in the process is called the rate controlling step and it has a molecularity that must equal the overall reaction. For example if the rate controlling step is one, the overall reaction is first order; if it were three, the overall reaction will be third order. Thus it can provide the amount of molecules colliding and how the reaction will carry out. The rate of the reaction can also be influenced, as is in this case, by other factors such as temperature, a catalyst, and an enzyme. Concentration is not the only factor that influences the rate of reaction. In this experiment the rate, k, and the order of the reactions were determined by the Method of Initial Rates and will be influenced by a starch (catalyst). In this method, the rates are going to be recorded for a number of reactions with a different concentration but will hold the constant. The reaction that is being observed is that between the persulfate ion, Ãâ¹Ã¢â¬ °, and iodide ion, IÃâ¹Ã¢â¬ ° being measured in Ãât seconds as reaction occurs. Generalized rate expression: R = k[IÃâ¹Ã¢â¬ °] à à « [Ãâ¹Ã¢â¬ °]à ¢Ã à ¿ [2] Experimental Methods: Pipet Graduated Cylinder Small Test Tube I Ãâ¹Ã¢â¬ ° Solution KCl solution (N)2Ãâ¹Ã¢â¬ ° Solution Na2 Starch Solution Beaker Ice Water Bath Thermometer KI Solution Chemicals: Chemical Formula Molar Weight Ammonium Persulfate (N)2Ãâ¹Ã¢â¬ ° 228.18g/mol Iodine I Ãâ¹Ã¢â¬ ° 126.904g/mol Potassium Iodide KI 166.002 g/mol Sodium Thiosulfate Na2 158.108 g/mol Potassium Chloride KCl 74.551 g/mol Ammonium Sulfate (N)2 132.14 g/mol Procedures: Part A. Dependence of Reaction Rate on Concentration: 7 to 8mL of KI, (N)2Ãâ¹Ã¢â¬ °, and Na2s were measured. 7 to 8mL of KCl and (N)2solutions were measured with a graduated cylinder. Look at Table 1. Reactant The specified volume(s) of KI (and KCl) solutions were pipeted into a small test tube which was used as the reaction container. 1.00mL of 0.005 M Na2was pipeted into the small tube and 2 drops of starch solution were added. A thermometer was then inserted into the reaction container. The specified volumes of (N)2Ãâ¹Ã¢â¬ ° and (N)2were then pipeted into a separate test tube. Persulfate solution was then poured from the test tube into the reaction tube. The solution was then swirled as to mix thoroughly. The time at which the solutions were mixed and the time required to turn the solution blue were recorded. Observed time. After solution appeared the temperature was recorded The tubes were rinsed thoroughly between experiments and each experiment was reproduced. Part B. Dependence of Reaction Rate on Temperature: Reaction (3) was carried out at the temperatures specified in Table 2. The same concentration as in Experiment 2 of table 1 was used. Table 2. Iodine Clock Reaction and Temperature Experiment Temperature, à °C 2 Room temperature 4 10à ° above Room Temperature 5 10à ° below Room Temperature 6 About 0à ° or 20à ° below Room Temp. Instead of mixing at room temperature, the two test tubes were placed in a beaker of water heated with a water bath to the desired temperature. A thermometer was then placed in the reaction tube. After several minutes at the specified temperature, the two solutions were mixed by pouring the solution from the persulfate test tube into the reaction tube, which was kept in the water bath. Swirl the tubes. The times of mixing and when the color change occurs and the temperature at the time of color change was recorded. The experiment may be repeated if time permits. Disposal: All solutions of reactions product are classified as non-hazardous and were flushed down the sink with running water. Unused reactant may be disposed in waste container. Observations The time it took for the solutions to change colors varied according to the rate law equation. As the temperature was raised, the reaction occurred quicker. As the temperature was cooler, the reaction took longer. Discussion: Throughout this experiment we were trying to find the order of reaction pertaining to [I Ãâ¹Ã¢â¬ °] and [Ãâ¹Ã¢â¬ °]. This experiment also illustrated the many ways that the rate of reaction can be influenced. As the temperature was raised we saw the solution being changed at a quicker rate. As it was cool it took longer. This experiment also affirmed what was said of the rate of reaction being directly proportional to the concentration; the higher the concentration, the quicker the reaction. Sources of Error: There were several possible sources of error. When the group started attaining the specified volumes of the solutions we had misread the instructions several times and may have gotten the wrong amounts. We eventually got the amounts right, but there might have been residue from the other concentrations that were in there before. Another possible source of error could have been the amount of ice that was in the container. Even though it was possibly just a very small amount of extra nice that wasnt needed, that could have influenced the time the reaction occurred. Conclusion: The order of the reactions pertaining to [I Ãâ¹Ã¢â¬ °] and [Ãâ¹Ã¢â¬ °] were obtained. The order of reaction pertaining to pertaining to [I Ãâ¹Ã¢â¬ °] was 1 and the order of reaction pertaining to [Ãâ¹Ã¢â¬ °] was also 1. The overall reaction order was 2. This helped us find the specific rate constant, k, which was 1.93 x .
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Human Euthanization Essay example -- Euthanasia Essays
Euthanasia should be legalized for terminally ill individuals on a voluntary basis to reduce medical costs, prevent prolonged physical pain and unnecessary suffering, and to preserve the dignity of the dying person. Terminally ill patients often accumulate massive amounts of medical expenses. In addition to costs, terminally ill patients are subject to excruciating pain and discomfort due to the disease and/or treatments involved, given only to prolong the inevitable. When a person is dying, he or she may have very little or no say in what goes on in oneââ¬â¢s own home, finances, or other aspects of that personââ¬â¢s life, but one reserves the right to die with dignity intact. Euthanasia comes from Greek prefix ââ¬Å"euâ⬠meaning good or easy, and suffix ââ¬Å"thanatosâ⬠meaning death ( In ancient Greece, suicides and assisted suicides were practiced regularly. In some situations, it was considered honorable to commit suicide or have a family member assist in oneââ¬â¢s death (Walker). On the other hand, Socrates was sentenced to suicide as punishment for ââ¬Å"corrupting the cityââ¬â¢s youth with his teachingsâ⬠(Yount). As time went on, suicide and assisted suicide became decreasingly accepted in society. As Christianity was introduced into Western civilization, a value was placed on the human life that was not there before. It was said that only God had the right to take the gift of life away from individuals. By the 19th century, most countries had laws against suicide, punishing the family by taking property, livestock, etc. However, those laws were lifted because they were found insensitive to the grieving famili es. Today in the United States, there are no laws against committing suicide or attempting suicide, however assisted suicide and eut... ...rable illness wishes to hasten death, the clinician should be obligated to assist the patient in carrying out those wishes, by prescribing medication or withholding life prolonging treatments. If laws were made to allow euthanasia and assisted suicide, this would have a positive effect on the economy, the public, and the emotional and financial condition of dying patients and their families. Works Sited Williams, Mary. Terminal Illness. 1st. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, 2001. Print. Yount, Lisa. Euthanasia. 1st. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, 2002. Print. Yount, Lisa. Right to Die and Euthanasia. Revised. New York, NY: Facts on File, Inc., 2007. Print. Walker, Richard. The Right to Die?. 1st. North Mankato, MN: Sea to Sea Publishing, 2006. Print Human Euthanization Essay example -- Euthanasia Essays Euthanasia should be legalized for terminally ill individuals on a voluntary basis to reduce medical costs, prevent prolonged physical pain and unnecessary suffering, and to preserve the dignity of the dying person. Terminally ill patients often accumulate massive amounts of medical expenses. In addition to costs, terminally ill patients are subject to excruciating pain and discomfort due to the disease and/or treatments involved, given only to prolong the inevitable. When a person is dying, he or she may have very little or no say in what goes on in oneââ¬â¢s own home, finances, or other aspects of that personââ¬â¢s life, but one reserves the right to die with dignity intact. Euthanasia comes from Greek prefix ââ¬Å"euâ⬠meaning good or easy, and suffix ââ¬Å"thanatosâ⬠meaning death ( In ancient Greece, suicides and assisted suicides were practiced regularly. In some situations, it was considered honorable to commit suicide or have a family member assist in oneââ¬â¢s death (Walker). On the other hand, Socrates was sentenced to suicide as punishment for ââ¬Å"corrupting the cityââ¬â¢s youth with his teachingsâ⬠(Yount). As time went on, suicide and assisted suicide became decreasingly accepted in society. As Christianity was introduced into Western civilization, a value was placed on the human life that was not there before. It was said that only God had the right to take the gift of life away from individuals. By the 19th century, most countries had laws against suicide, punishing the family by taking property, livestock, etc. However, those laws were lifted because they were found insensitive to the grieving famili es. Today in the United States, there are no laws against committing suicide or attempting suicide, however assisted suicide and eut... ...rable illness wishes to hasten death, the clinician should be obligated to assist the patient in carrying out those wishes, by prescribing medication or withholding life prolonging treatments. If laws were made to allow euthanasia and assisted suicide, this would have a positive effect on the economy, the public, and the emotional and financial condition of dying patients and their families. Works Sited Williams, Mary. Terminal Illness. 1st. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, 2001. Print. Yount, Lisa. Euthanasia. 1st. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, 2002. Print. Yount, Lisa. Right to Die and Euthanasia. Revised. New York, NY: Facts on File, Inc., 2007. Print. Walker, Richard. The Right to Die?. 1st. North Mankato, MN: Sea to Sea Publishing, 2006. Print
Monday, November 11, 2019
Dahlia Furniture Private Limited Essay
I. Time Context: Last 5 months of 1984 II. Viewpoint: Mr. Chua Boon Kang, co-owner of Dahlia Furniture Private Limited III. Major Policy Statement: Dahlia Furniture Private Limited is a local furniture manufacturer of standard and custom-made furniture known for their high quality and elegant wall units, kitchen cabinets, bedroom sets, and dining set. And aims to be one of the largest furniture manufacturer in Singapore by 1990. IV. Statement of the Problem: What can the company do to maximize profit to improve the companyââ¬â¢s position? V. Objectives Long Range Objectives: To expand our business operation after 2 years To be the leading furniture manufacturer by 1987 Short Range Objectives: To maximize profit and minimize cost To increase sales To cater furniture for the mass market VI. SWOT Analysis Strengths a. The company is known for high quality and elegant image of their furniture b. Dahlia Furniture is a known seller of imported furniture Weaknesses a. Dahlia Furniture has a small market; only middle and upper income families could afford their furniture b. Limited product line; composes only of wall units, kitchen cabinets, bedroom sets, and dining sets Opportunities a. Growing number of families who can afford and are willing to pay higher price for a high quality furniture b. Growing demand for imported furniture Threats a. Other companies that offer furniture for a lower price b. Foreign manufacturers and retailers that are entering the Singapore market VII. Alternative Courses of Action ACA #1: Continuous importation of some furniture and start to produce quality furniture that could be sold for a lower price to expand our market in serving the mass market of low income generating families. ACA #2: Remove locally made furniture in our product line and import all our furniture to uphold the image of high quality and elegant furniture for middle and upper income families. ACA #3: Expand our product line by producing and importing other high quality and elegant furniture other than wall units, kitchen cabinets, bedroom sets and dining sets for middle and upper income families. VIII. Analysis of Alternatives ACA #1: Continuous importation of some furniture and start to produce quality furniture that could be sold for a lower price to expand our market in serving the mass market of low income generating families. Advantages: a. Expanding our market is also a means of expanding the sources of our income b. The life of the company is not solely dependent on the purchase of our small market for middle and upper income families Disadvantages: a. Great risk whether the new target market of low generating families would purchase our furniture b. Costly as we would be starting from scratch to develop, produce and sell our new affordable furniture c. Additional Labor is needed d. The image of elegance and exclusivity of our furniture might be lost ACA #2: Remove locally made furniture in our product line and import all our furniture to uphold the image of high quality and elegant furniture for middle and upper income families. Advantages: a. No overhead expense for us b. The image of the company for catering high quality, elegant and exclusive furniture would be preserved c. We could focus more on the imported products that bring us income d. No need to hire additional workers e. Less attention required by the importation of furniture for we would not be the one to create them Disadvantages: a. Costly to import furniture id it would not be sold right away b. The operations of the company is solely dependent on our foreign suppliers c. Small market only for middle and upper income families that could afford to purchase imported furniture d. In violation of the anti-foreign labor regulation of the government e. Slow rate of repurchase because we offer the same furniture ACA #3: Expand our product line by producing and importing other high quality and elegant furniture other than wall units, kitchen cabinets, bedroom sets and dining sets for middle and upper income families. Advantages: a. Creating new line of furniture is also creating a new source of income for the company b. We can maintain the image of the company as producer of high quality, elegant and exclusive furniture Disadvantages: a. Costly to develop, produce and sell new furniture line b. Requires additional workers c. Still dependent on the purchase of our small market of middle and upper income families d. Risk whether the new furniture would be bought by the market e. The company could be subjected to government observation since we are importing more furniture IX. Decision Statement After closely analysing all the alternatives, the best alternative for the company is ACA #1: Continuous importation of some furniture and start to produce quality furniture that could be sold for a lower price to expand our market in serving the mass market of low income generating families. The imported furniture is still in the growth stage and the demand for them is still high. The continuing the importation of furniture could still bring us income and can be used as capital in our plan of targeting a new market. The company is known for catering high quality, elegant, and exclusive furniture; extending this to the mass market could bring drastic increase in our sales for the company already has a prestige name in the furniture industry. The company would be catering both high-end furniture and affordable furniture but of good quality. Expanding our market is extending the coverage of our company and also the source of our income. ACA #2 and ACA #3 still focuses on serving a limi ted market only for middle and upper income families making the sources of our income also limited to them. Furniture is a durable product and repurchase of it is not made in a short span of time. If the each of these middle and upper income families has their own wall units, kitchen cabinets, bedroom sets and dining sets then they would not repurchase again and so the company might be in danger. ACA # 1 would find us another source of income as we extend our market to the lower income generating families but at the same time retaining the service for middle and upper income families. And having the prestige of high quality and elegant furniture, the new target market would be eager to purchase our furniture. X. Implementation Plan Long Range Implementation Plan a. Continuous improvement of the quality, operations, management of the company and continuous search on how we could minimize the cost of our operations Short Range Implementation Plan a. Research about the new target market The price range that they can and willing to pay for a furniture. Designs, specifications and quality of a furniture that would draw them to purchase it. b. Canvass materials of good quality but of lower price to be used in the production of the furniture c. Create a plan on how we could minimize the cost of our importation, production and operation d. Make the furniture, specially the affordable furniture, known to the market by advertisement through publication at least once a week in a local newspaper of general circulation
Friday, November 8, 2019
Emerging Market MNC Analysis Essays
Emerging Market MNC Analysis Essays Emerging Market MNC Analysis Paper Emerging Market MNC Analysis Paper Some of these firms were very successful and some had to withdraw back to their country of origin. In OTOH scenarios, those companies adopted to different business models, strategies analyze two different Macs, TCL and Acre, which fall in the category of electronic firms from emerging markets, in order to come out with a better understanding of their globalize process. TCL Overview TCL is one of the largest consumer electronics NC in the world. It was founded by Mr.. Lie Donnishness, the Current CEO, in 1981 in China. The company produces a wide diverse of electronic products such as TV, mobile phone and Internet access devices; in addition, it is one of the leading companies and was ranked sixth in the global TV arrest in terms of market share (TCL Annual Report, 2011), which is the main business for TCL. See figure 2. The company has a worldwide presence; it has more than 40 sales offices, 18 R centers, and 20 manufacturing bases (TCL Introduction, 2011). Many critics attribute the companys success to focusing on innovation as well as quality; as a result, TCL suppressed many leading companies such as Samsung and Sony. Acre Overview Originally known as Multitude, the Taiwanese company was founded by Stan Shih in 1976, which grew to become the fourth largest PC producer in the world and has a worldwide presence (Acre Overview, 2013). Moreover, Acre considered being one of the largest original equipment manufacturer (MEMO). The company was able to achieve this by having one of the most distinguish integrated operations, between parent company in Taiwan and subsidiaries, as well as between one subsidiary and another. Remarkably, in its globalize process, Acre took more flexible approach which differs from the control based American, European or Japanese models. Acre has a long term mission which is breaking barriers between people and technology (Acre Brands, 2013). Also, the company targets many different customer segments by having multi-brand strategy; it has 4 different brands which are: Acre, Gateway, machines, and Packard Bell (Acre Brands, 2013). 2 Market Presence (Question 1) TCL Market Presence TCL has a worldwide presence in terms of sales, manufacturing and operations. The company was able to have a big presence in all six continents through Joint venture and acquisitions (Donnishness, Lie, 2011). It distributes its products through more than 40 sales offices and agencies worldwide. Moreover, the company has 18 R centers in China, USA, France, Germany and Singapore. The company also owns 20 manufacturing bases globally, in China, Poland, Mexico, Thailand and Vietnam. (Donnishness, Lie, 2011). See figure 3. The geographic growing patterns will be discussed in the following topic. Acre Market Presence Acre also has a worldwide presence in terms of sales, manufacturing and operations. Through its acquisitions, Greenfield investments, and multi-brand strategy, Acre was able to penetrate in all six continents and excel. It has four regional business units (Rabbis) in US, Europe, Singapore, and Taiwan. The main functions of those business units to sell, market and provide after sale services. Each one of those units has branches in many countries. See figure 5. 3 Patterns of Growing (Question 2) TCL Growing We can divide the company growth into four main phases. First phase (1981-1997), order to expand its business in the PRE market (Sandra Bell, 2010). Second Phase(1998-1999), expanding to neighboring country, which was having a Joint venture with Taiwan C.V. base, TCL-C.V. Computer Co. Was established (CAB, 1998). Third phase (2000-2004), expanding to the developed countries mainly in Europe; TCL had many international investment such as acquiring Schneider Electronics GAG in Germany (TCL Annual Report, 2002), a JP with Locate (Murals, D. , 2011), and a JP with Thomson (Elaine Quarterback, 2009), in this phase TCL focused on loss companies, hopefully they can turnaround those losses. However, almost all investments faced huge losses due to several reasons such as management style and the misjudged of its power to turnaround a loss company (Sandra Bell, 2010). Fourth phase (2005- present), in this phase TCL acquired partners shares in Jobs; for instance, TCL acquired Locate shares in the JP (Helen Yuan, 2005), as well as, Thomson shares in the JP (Sandra Bell, 2010). Further, they focused on building a global brand name through partnering with key distributes such KEA and Carefree. See figure 6. Acre Growing For Acre we can divide the company growth into four main phases. First phase (1976-1977), which includes the establishment of the company, and start selling to the local market (Milestones Innovations, 2013). Second phase (1978-1984), in the beginning of this phase the company started to target small neighboring markets such as Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore. Later on, it expanded its exporting to reach the US and some parts of Europe. This phase was remarkable in Acres life and considered to be the take-off (The Wall Street, 2007). Third phase (1985-2000), in this phase Acre started to invest worldwide (Milestones Innovations, 2013), they made a lot of acquisitions, Joint ventures, and green field investments such as the acquisition of Altos Computers Systems, a JP with Computed from Mexico to form Acre Computed Latin America (UCLA), and establishing Acre America Corporation in the US. This phase considered to be critical in the life of Acre, it went global, big losses were made, and the company was restructured more than three mimes. To summarize, the cost of learning in this period was high. Fourth phase (2001- Present), which represents the changing from manufacturing company to a service company, in another words, the company outsourcer manufacturing, and the main activities became sales, marketing, and after sales services , which is similar to NIKKEI business model (The Wall Street, 2007). See figure 6. 4 Entry Modes (Question 3) TCL Entry Modes TCL had two types of foreign direct investments; Joint venture and acquisition. They had Jobs with Taiwan C.V. base, Thomson (French company), and Locate (French many). However, the acquisitions were by acquiring Schneider Electronics GAG in Germany, Thomson shares in the JP, and Locate shares in the JP as well. Recently, they made some agreements and cooperation with Samsung (outsourcing agreement) (Marie Han, 2008), KEA (Anna Rainstorm, 2011) and Carefree (Sandra Bell, 2010). See figure 1. The Joint venture with Thomson was remarkable in terms of amount, nature and outcome. Both companies put together ?450 million (cash and assets), where TCL and Thomson shares were 67% and 33% respectively (TCL Annual 20,000 sales outlets. On the other hand, Thomson brought to the deal its factories in Poland, Thailand, and Mexico (Elaine Quarterback, 2009). The JP was not profitable and carried out losses for both companies. As a result, both companies came to an agreement, and TCL bought Thomson shares in the JP. Furthermore, the acquisition included Thomson TV plants in Mexico, Thailand and Poland, RD centers in USA, Germany and Singapore, and worldwide sales networks (Sandra Bell, 2010). Acre Entry Modes Acre had three types of foreign direct investments; green field, Joint venture and acquisition. The green field investments were mainly to establish regional operation units (in Europe, USA, Asia, etc ) which have sub-branches in many countries. The main functions for these units to sell, market and provide after sale services (Ping Lie Peter, 1998). The company also did some Jobs such as a JP with Texas Instruments to form TTL-Acre DRAM, as well as a JP with Computed to form Acre Computed Latin America (UCLA) (Ping Lie Peter, 1998). See figure 1 . Acres acquisition goals were mainly to achieve multi-brand strategy. The company acquired Gateway, machines, Packard Bell, E-ten and agree. These acquisitions enhanced Acres global presence, and made it able to target different customer segments (Acre Overview, 2013). 5 Factors for Investing Abroad (Question 4) TCL Factors for investing abroad In general, there are many factors that led Chinese companies to seek global market. For TCL there were 5 main factors: In 2000, competition inside the PRE electronics market was aggressive which led to a price war and industry margin was shrinking (Sandra Bell, 2010). In 2001, China became a WTFO member which helped a lot of Chinese companies to partner with companies from developed countries, as TCL had any agreements and Jobs. Lie Donnishness, CEO of the company, was thinking about going global since the Asian crisis in the late sasss, taking advantage of the Chinese stable economy to build a brand which was the company competitive advantage in his vision. The company also did some international investments to overcome trade barriers, such as the anti-dumping European policy (The Financial Times Limited, 2003). The company also overestimated its power to turnaround a loss company, which was a main drive for some acquisitions such as acquiring Schneider Electronics GAG in Germany (Sandra Bell, 2010). Acquiring Schneider Electronics GAG in Germany is a clear example for the last two factors. Acre Factors for investing abroad For Acre the main reason for expanding is that the market size at that time, early sasss, was small. They targeted small neighboring countries, however, as Shih stated the combination of many small markets is not small, also there was a potential since those small markets were becoming bigger. The following are some reasons for investing abroad and expanding operations to reach more regions: The industry became mature rapidly which led to an aggressive competition, price war, and giggling of the margin. As a result, all companies in the industry started to expand to less competitive regions (Acre Inc. History, 2008). The Taiwanese dollar became stronger, which made difficult to the company to make profit since its product became more expensive abroad (Acre Inc. History, 2008). Major Operational TCL Operational Difficulties It seems that all international investments made by TCL were unsuccessful and turned huge losses. This was due by many issues on the managerial and operational level, which will be discussed in the following paragraph. The main problem for TCL s that they underestimate the difficulties of managing global operation, and they also overestimate their ability to turn around a loss company, which represents a broader dilemma for Chinese companies Justine Ala, 2006). As Vincent Yang, SCOFF of ATE and TCL stated in the past three months of operations, we found out the challenges and difficulties are deeper than we thought. (Even Armadas, 2004). Furthermore, the desperate to go global and use acquisitions as a shortcut without evaluating partners and investments were a main drive for those wrongful investments, for instants, Schneider Electronics GAG, Thomson and Locate were cording losses, moreover, Schneider Electronics GAG were viewed as an old fashion brand in Europe (Sandra Bell, 2010). Moreover, TCL was slow to react to the market changes Justine Ala, 2006) lack of market know-how, lack of transparency, and lack to culture adaptation when they changed the German manager of Schneider Electronics GAG with a Chinese noel (Sandra Bell, 2010). TCL has no brand positioning issues since it managed this aspect in a very professional way, for instants, they were able to position the brand TCL to a high end clientele very successfully by sponsoring Golf ornaments three years in a row in China(Sandra Bell, 2010) , which represent the target market. The company also has many brand names such as TCL, ROW, and RCA, as well as some agreements to use others brand names such as Thomson and Locate, which serve different customer segments. Acre Operational Difficulties Acre started with 13 employees including Shih and his wife, and in ten years that number grew to reach 1000, and continued to grow. This fast growing led to create a big gap between available capabilities and capabilities needed, further, it also led to a shortage in qualified managers. As a result, Acre started to recruit many top-level and mid-level managers, where some were not qualified enough, such as Leonard Lie, former senior IBM executive who led the company to a disastrous situations. Another problem caused by the fast growing is that the company was restructured more than three times which led to more failed operations (The Wall Street, 2007). Chris Foster, an analyst at Technology Business Research in Hampton, stated The bottom line is Acre has a more volatile business model than HP or Dell (The Wall Street, 2007). Other difficulties such as changing the company name from Multitude o Acre after more than 10 years of building brand name (The Wall Street, 2007), aggressive competition which reduced the profit margin, and the shortening product life cycle, among other factors which led to more operational and managerial difficulties. However, the company in many scenarios managed those obstacles very well. The following are examples for successful managerial strategies and operations. Dependent innovation which made Acre beat IBM and offer 32-bit PC first. Employee ownership, delegated accountability, and management frugality helped in the fast growing. Overcoming the shortening of the product life cycle by developing a strategy transit. They also developed the 2-3-1 System. Two months for product introduction, three months for selling, and one month for phase-out (Ping Lie Peter, 1998). Multi- brand strategy which helped the company to target different customer segments, therefore, the company does not have any brand or positioning issues (Acre Brands, 2013). 7 Comparison Conclusion Both companies have a lot in common. Both of them started to invest in neighboring countries and later on expanded to other parts of the world. They also depend a lot n acquisitions and Jobs to penetrate international markets, which reflects their weaknesses to build an international brand and have a successful international operations. Last but not least, both of them have a worldwide presence and mainly targeted developed countries. See figure 6. It seems that Macs from emerging markets recognize brand/country image as primary problem; as a result they have used strategies to overcome this obstacle such as multi-brand strategy and global brand strategy.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
The Watergate Affair Essays - Watergate Scandal, Richard Nixon
The Watergate Affair Essays - Watergate Scandal, Richard Nixon The Watergate Affair The Watergate affair was the most significant scandal in United States governmental history. Watergate is defined as a scandal involving abuse of power by public officials, violation of the public trust, and attempted obstruction of justice. The Watergate scandal is named after the building complex in Washington D.C., which was the site of the illegal activities that took place in 1972. In this essay I will explain what Watergate was, a few of the key players (many too numerous to mention), and the end result of the people involved. Watergate all started on June 17, 1972 when five men attempted to break in to the Democratic national headquarters in Washington?s Watergate complex. The men were arrested after police were notified from a security guard, and were in possession of cameras and electronic surveillance equipment. They were suspected of attempting to tap the telephones there in order to gain the upper-hand information of the Democratic campaign. The men were tried and convicted in a federal court, but the judge, John Sirica suspected the major cover-up of a possible national conspiracy. Sirica later received a letter from one of the burglars, James McCord which stated that there was definitely a cover-up. This letter led to a nationwide eruption and the trust and tolerance for politicians greatly declined. The five burglars were sent to jail in January of 1973. White House counsel John Dean attempted to buy the men?s silence with 400,000 dollars of ?hush? money and the possibility of presidential pardons. Instead the burglars began to talk and the Nixon administration was being pushed against a wall. A separate committee was started to investigate and John Dean began to sweat. Dean told Nixon that (in my revised words) ?We?re in deep crap?. Nixon sensed that his high officials were going to break at any moment so he fired Dean, chief domestic advisor John Ehrlichman, and White House Chief of Staff H.R. Haldeman. Televised hearings later followed and the whole dirt was brought out. John Dean, the former White House counsel, stated in court that members of the Nixon administration, notably Attorney General John Mitchell, had known of the burglary. The hearings also revealed the Nixon has previously taped conversations in the Oval Office, and when the special prosecutor Archibald Cox requested these tapes, Nixon fired him. Cox made great strides in uncovering major evidence of a political espionage by the Nixon administration. He uncovered evidence of bribery for corporate contributions to Nixon in return for political favors, and illegal wiretapping of citizens. The uncovering of the corporate contributions led to the passing of the Election Reform Act which limits a candidate to spending 20 million dollars on a bid for election or re-election. It also regulated the amount an individual may contribute to campaign funds to 1,000 dollars. During the investigation, the testimony of White House aide Alexander Butterfield really created a light for the prosecution. Butterfield told the committee that Nixon had ordered that a taping system to be installed in the White House to record all conversations. These are the events that led to Coxs dismissal. After Butterfield?s testimony, Cox demanded eight relevant tapes in which Nixon refused to hand over. His excuse was that the tapes were vital to national security. (The only thing they were vital to was the skin on his rear end) Nixon then told Attorney General Elliot Richardson to dismiss Cox, but Richardson refused and resigned, as did Deputy Attorney General William Ruckelshaus. Cox?s successor, Leon Jaworski was appointed by Nixon and was given the tapes, and Jaworski gave the tapes to Judge Sirica. Some of the tapes were missing and one of the tapes had a mysterious 18? minute gap. The gap was part of five separate erasures. Although the tapes, the break-in, and the cover up were a large part of the Watergate affair, they were not all of it. During Nixon?s term the government was very secretive and this was a result of Nixon?s ways. Before all of the break-in stories, there were other issues questioning Nixon?s morals. In 1969 there was an article in the New York Times talking about a secret bombing of Cambodia. So illegally the FBI taped conversations secretly of
Monday, November 4, 2019
Applying economic analysis ( Cost Effectiveness Analysis) to Alzheimer Essay
Applying economic analysis ( Cost Effectiveness Analysis) to Alzheimer bills and to school lunch program - Essay Example In CEA the relative costs and the outcomes are evaluated for two or more itineraries of action. This kind of analysis is divergent from cost-benefit analysis, which dispenses financial value to the appraise of effect. Normally the CEA is articulated in requisites of a proportion where the denominator is a put on in health from an evaluation and the numerator is the outlay allied with the health put on. The chiefly used upshot evaluate is quality-adjustment life years. The theory of cost effectiveness is practical in organization and preparation of many of sort of prearranged activity. It applicable to many aspects of life. In Alzheimerââ¬â¢s tab, for instance, that was ascertained by the secretary of health and human services (National Alzheimerââ¬â¢s project) to generate and sustain an integrated national plan to surmount Alzheimerââ¬â¢s disease and related dementias. The policies stipulated in the bill was intended at cutting down on the health care cost to the citizens of the federal state. The early diagnosis and acceleration of preventive procedures was found to be a little bit cost-effective compared to the treatment actions (Clyne, 2002 p 17). Cost-minimization is functional when evaluate drugs of equal acceptability and effectiveness. Therapeutic similarity must be oriented by the instigator carrying out the study preceding the cost-minimization exertion. As equal efficiency and equal acceptability is already established, there is no necessity finding a universal effectiveness denominator as study on cost-effectiveness would have demanded. All costs have to be measured when conducting a cost-minimization study together with resource expenses intrinsic to the liberation of the therapeutic intrusions and that are germane to the pharmacoeconomic perception. In the Alzheimerââ¬â¢s bill, for instance, the costs of alternative therapies can be compared to the Alzheimerââ¬â¢s disease treatments and
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Perks and Benefits in The Organisations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Perks and Benefits in The Organisations - Essay Example This makes it clear that the branch of fringe benefits has a lot of examples and types under its shelter making it easier for employers to pick the ones feasible for them to motivate their employees. A company offering a high level of fringe benefits is also regarded as one of the best employers and makes a market reputation of itself in the job market ending up in hiring the best of all applicants (Wisteret, 1959). The nature It is seen that everything which gives an appropriate level of advantages is said to have some draw backs of using it as well. Fringe benefits by nature are regarded as employee motivators and factors to approve your desirability as an employer in the market; it can be proved as well by looking at the top most employers of all time who are said to be giving out many fringe benefits to their employees apart from good salaries which has made them create their good image in the employment market (Newstrom, 1977). However, Fringe benefits, like everything else can cause a certain amount of damage to the organization as well if we look at them from the perspective of small employers. To them, fringe benefits can be very costly and can also cause problems in the capital management of the organization. Moreover, not distinguishing employers by their size, it is seen that many employers offering a good level of fringe benefits face trial in the court due to complains by some neglected or incapable employees who fail to show desired performance to become eligible of the benefits. This costs many companies a whole lot of money while also creating a bad image of them in the market. The range Fringe benefits today can include numerous things such as: housing arrangements provided by the employer, free or discounted medical facilities, day care services, insurance plans, retirement and provident fund packages, job security, year-end paid vacations, provision of cars and a lot more Specific packages Provident fund and pension packages Such packages are usually offered from the lower level of staff to the highest level but they tend to differ from one another on the seniority basis Housing facilities Housing packages are generally provided to senior employees in most companies but some might give their lower level employees a hostel type of accommodation as well. Accommodation just like other packages gets bigger and more comfortable as an employee climbs the ladder up in an organization Day care services Such packages are mostly offered to all company employees as this arrangement is offered at the premises of the company itself. New development in packages Day care services and job security packages are the new advancements Conclusion Fringe benefits are the oldest form of compensation apart from salary and wages and will continue to be offered by employers to motivate and retrench its workforce. MATERNITY BENEFITS Introduction Whether a company has given attention to maternity benefits or not an employee is still entitled to ma ternity benefits by law. Law, they differ from country to country but Women who are pregnant, have recently given birth or are caring for a new born are all entitled to maternity benefits, moreover, parents who have recently adopted a child also can apply for them in many countries.
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