Tuesday, May 19, 2020
The Legacy Of John F. Kennedy Essay - 969 Words
On November 22, 1963 the lives of John F. Kennedy, Harvey Lee Oswald, Jack Ruby, Jacqueline Kennedy-Onassis, Lyndon B. Johnson. John Connally, Abraham Zupruder, and several others , all took a dramatic turning point. On November 22, 1963 President John Fittzgerald Kennedy was assassinated in the Dealey Plaza of Dallas Texas. Less than two hours later CBS News showed Harvey Lee Oswald in handcuffs at Dallas Police Headquarters. Harvey Lee Oswald was born October 18, 1939 in New Orleans, Louisiana. At just 17 years old he joined the U.S Marines until discharged 3 years later. Fleeing to the Soviet Union and unsuccessfully becoming citizen, he returned to the United States in 1962 with a Russian Wife and infant daughter. He traveled place to place until landing a job at the Texas Depository Building in Dallas, Texas in October of 1963. At the time of Kennedyââ¬â¢s motorcade through Dallas, Oswald was allegedly seen on the sixth floor of the Book Depository holding a rifle. Three shots were fired from that angle, at 12:30pm. The first shot wounding Texas Governor John B. Connally, and the next couple of shots fatally wounding President Kennedy. Kennedy was pronounced dead at Parkland Memorial Hospital around 1:00pm at age forty-six. Vice President Lyndon Johnson was sworn in as the 36th president of the United States at 2:39 pm. He was uninjured during the motorcade due to being a good three car distance behind President Kennedyââ¬â¢s Lincoln convertible. His inauguration was locatedShow MoreRelatedThe Legacy Of John F. Kennedy1176 Words à |à 5 PagesJohn F. Kennedy did a lot for our country although his presidential term was cut short. He had a certain allure to him that Americans liked. Kennedy knew what to do to gain the votes of all different types of voters no matter their age, race, or religion. His campaign and presidency have inspired even todayââ¬â¢s presidents and presidential candidates in multiple ways. John F. Kennedy was a spectacular man and president that brought a fresh feel to America and who left a legacy that will never be forgottenRead MoreThe Legacy of John F. Kennedy1129 Words à |à 5 PagesPresidents relate in life and none in death. Most people know John F. Kennedy as the 35th President of the United States, the youngest president, and one of fewest presidents that was killed. But what was JFKs legacy? JFK was born on May, 29th, 1917 in Brookline, Massachusetts, a quiet, clam suburb in Boston. As a child John F. Kennedy was mostly referred to the name Jack, by friends and family. His parents, Rose and Joseph Kennedy were too involved with social rank and their place in BostonsRead MoreThe Legacy of John F. Kennedy1917 Words à |à 8 PagesWhat is a legacy? Is it strictly a visible, touchable object? A legacy is not just an object that people can see; it can be a dream or an idea. Although his life came to a tragic end, John F. Kennedy was one of the many presidents that served his term of presidency with compassion and dedication, and also, he left behind an unforgettable legacy to live on for the generations to come. His legacy was both an idea and dream that still affects many Americans today, as he led people to believe that heRead MoreThe Legacy Of John F. Kennedy1085 Words à |à 5 PagesJohn Fitzgerald Kennedy made history as Americaââ¬â¢s youngest and first Catholic President. JFK, or ââ¬Å"Jackâ⬠Kennedy, was born into a wealthy family, who were considered American royalty. Jack Kennedy was only our President for a few short years, but the stories of his assassination and his legacy live on today. President Kennedy was easily one of Americaââ¬â¢s most famous leaders of all time. John F. Kennedy was born in Brookline, Massachusetts, on May 29, 1917. Jack was the second of nine children bornRead MoreThe Legacy Of John F Kennedy1142 Words à |à 5 PagesThe Democrat that stood with his hand on the living holy scripture would not only be known as the youngest man to enter the sacred halls of the White House, but also as the one that entrusted his heart and soul for the love of his nation. John Fitzgerald Kennedy recited what seemed like ancient words bound within the inaugural speech with more than a noticeable Boston pronunciation. The unforeseen knowledge that this young senator would be the victim of a deadly attack left the world innocent. ThisRead MoreThe Legacy Of John F. Kennedy980 Words à |à 4 PagesBorn in 1917, John F. Kennedy grew up in a wealthy family with influence both politically, and economically. His grandfather was a famous politician, his father a billionaire, and his brothers he grew up with would go on to become well known politicians . Growing up in a family like this, it would appear hard to distinguish yourself, however, JFK would go on to surpass them all by becoming the 35th, and perhaps most beloved president of the United States. As president JFK was popular. He was youngRead MoreThe Legacy Of John F. Kennedy1879 Words à |à 8 PagesUnited State of America which was John F. Kennedy has been assassinated. Lyndonââ¬â¢s purpose of the speech was comfort America after the death of John F. Kennedy and also to insure America that with this horrific tragedy that America has to go through he will continue the act of the forward thrust of America that John F. Kennedy had begun to do while he was in was the President. Also Johnson ensures America that John F. Kennedy will live on with us. John Fitzgerald Kennedy was the youngest president heRead MoreThe Legacy Of John F. Kennedy1480 Words à |à 6 Pagesvice president had given him prominence and experience where communism was concerned.. Democrats, meanwhile, nominated the relatively unknown John F. Kennedy, a young but accomplished senator from Massachusetts who had served with distinction in World War II and had won a Pulitzer Prize for his 1956 book Profiles in Courage .At only forty-three years old, Kennedy exuded a youthful confidence that contrasted sharply with Nixonââ¬â¢s serious demeanorââ¬âa contrast that was plainly evident in the first-ever liveRead MoreLeadership And Legacy Of John F. Kennedy1388 Words à |à 6 PagesJohn F. Kennedy His Leadership Legacy John F. Kennedy was born on May 29, 1917 in Brookline, Massachusetts and was known as (Jack). He was the son of Joseph P. Kennedy, an ambassador to Great Britain during Franklin D. Roosevelt administration. The Kennedyââ¬â¢s were one of the wealth family in American. He was one of the most important leader in America. When he graduated from Harvard University in 1940 he wrote a winning note with his publication of ââ¬Å"Why England Sleptâ⬠, it was an expansionRead MoreThe Legacy of John F. Kennedy Essay2477 Words à |à 10 PagesOur Fellow American The late president John Fitzgerald Kennedy once said, ââ¬Å"Sure its a big job; but I dont know anyone who can do it better than I canâ⬠(ââ¬Å"John F. Kennedyâ⬠BrainyQuote.com). Kennedy was a young and fresh political figure at the time of his election in 1960. The thirty-fifth president of the United States was born May 29, 1917, in Brookline, Massachusetts. He was the youngest president ever, as well as the first and only Roman Catholic president (Bass, et al.). His presidency was
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Rainforests of the Atsinanana, Madagascar Essay - 1608 Words
Rainforests of the Atsinanana, Madagascar Christy Haakenson SCI230 Introduction to Life Science Paula Roberts March 27, 2011 The Rainforests of the Atsinanana is a place like no other. The continent of Madagascar can be found 200 miles off the east coast of Africa and completed full separation from all other land masses more than 60 million years ago (Staff W., 2001). The island of Madagascar has lived in isolation and with isolation gives the Rainforests of Atsinanana an abundance of plants and animals found nowhere else in the world. This unique place is made up of six national parks and was approved by UNESCO committee in New Zealand (WWF, n.d.). The Rainforests of Atsinanana is currently on the list of world heritage sites inâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦One type of lemur is nocturnal and is only active in the night and the other type is diurnal and spends the days eating, mating, and playing (2005). Some are large in size like the indri, and others such as the Bertheââ¬â¢s mouse lemur is the smallest in the world (2005). Although these creatures are different in characteristics, they have one sim ilarity and that is there home in Madagascar. Aside from many types of lemurs, there are many other unique creatures found in the Rainforests of the Atsinanana in Madagascar. Other species include the Flying fox bats, Fossa, Fanaloka, Tenrece, spear-nosed snake, and more than 3,000 endemic butterflies (Ward M, 2008). The isolation of this island and history has made primate extinction real. At this time there are at least 15 species of lemur that have gone extinct (2005). The main cause of these primates going extinct is because of the habitat loss from deforestation only leaving 8.5% of the original forests. The Rainforests of the Atsinanana Madagascar is not only unique for many types of species it is home to, but also for the unique plant life. Atsinanana has more than 12,000 plant species known in Madagascar, which are also endemic. Six of eight baobab trees that are endemic to Madagascar. Baobabs are bottle-shaped trees with large bases and branches that make a flat appearance to the top. The different types of baobab trees include
Has United States Win the War on Terror Discuss
Question: Has United States win the war on terror Discuss? Answer: Terrorism has been a critical issue in the current social environment. There have been several terrorist activities noticed all across the world, but that did not raise an alarm among the major activist countries before 9/11 attack. The terrorist attack of 9/11 on the World Trade Centre in the United States of America changed the view of World Terrorism. The active mission against terrorism began in the year 2001 that divided the entire world into two groups known as terrorist group and peacekeeping force (Schmid, 2016). The USA started the war against terrorism in the name of Peace Keeping Force and won several battles against the Al-Qaeda and several other terrorist groups. It can be said that the United States of America has won few battles, but the war against terrorism is still yet of its height to save the entire globe from the verge of brutal killing and sacrifice of life in the name of terror. The paper has been developed to observe the current situation of terrorism all across the world and study how the American Army has succeeded in winning many battles. The primary aim of the paper is to judge whether these mere actions have led the Americans to win the war against terrorism. To answer the primary purpose of the paper, first of all, we must know what has been the result of the USAs war against terrorism till now. A survey report shows that out of four American, three of them are not satisfied with the ongoing war against terrorism. Hence, we can say that America has not yet won the war against terrorism, and much more is to be seen regarding terrorism across the globe. Terrorism is a much wider concept that the word itself that has led to injustice and bloodshed of ordinary people. Not only the ordinary citizens have lost their loving ones, but also thousand of terrorist has lost their life (Ekici, 2011). The war of the USA has weakened the Al-Qaeda group by killing the figureheads of its leadership. The US Army has stood against the terrorism and caused more damages to them as compared to the damages caused by them to the US government and ordinary people (Gleason, 2010). The damages caused to the USA were more tragic because it led to the loss of human life and financial downturn in the market. The attack of 9/11 resulted in the loss of more than 3000 life in the USA. Recently, the USA has won many battles against the terrorist acts in different parts of the world. Though we can be a decline of many terrorist groups, new terrorist groups have raised with the death of old terrorist leaders. Hence, terrorism can be termed as a virus that keeps on spreading among the Islamic groups in the name of Allah. We have seen people killing children and raping women to create terror among the common people in the Islamic state (Hauter, 2014). Suicide bombing has been seen in the terrorist attacks in London, Syria, Istanbul, France and many other parts of the World after the decline of the Al-Qaeda group. Hence, it can be seen that the winning of few battles against Iraq and Afghanistan has not led the American win the war against terrorism. When the people of America were asked about their views on the War against terrorism, around 71 percent people participating in the survey said that they had not won the war against terrorism. They have merely taken the revenge of 9/11 that will never get the world rid of terrorism (Ullman, 2006). Along with that, several other attacks can be evident all across the globe that has shaken the human society and global economy. Hence, the USA government must not only concern about terrorist attacks in its country but also take action against terrorism across the globe. Being the most powerful nation in the world, the USA has a responsibility to fight against terrorism and get the world free of terrorism. A question was raised when the US government decided to pull back its forces from the Middle East due to a huge loss of men and resources after the death of Bin Laden and Saddam Husain (Eijkman, 2012). It is important to note that it was merely a win of battle and the real war on terrorism is yet to be seen. Pulling back of the US troops from the Middle East may lead to the growth of the terrorist groups. With the availability of technology and sophisticated weapons, the terrorist groups will be more powerful and disastrous for the entire world. Hence, it can be said that the Americans have not yet won the war against terrorism until the world gets free of the hilarious act of atrocities. The answer to the question is significantly unknown as the terrorist activities of the Islamic State groups are dominating the news headlines for the past decade or so. The sudden ascendancy of new terrorist groups and terrorist activities in the European countries such as France and Denmark and the Middle East countries have raised the question about the safety of American civilians in the country and outside the country. Since the terrorist attack of 9/11 in 2001, the United States of America have launched counterterrorism strategy to demolish the roots of some terrorist groups such as al-Qaeda and ISIS (Eadie, 2016). In the recent year, American President, Barack Obama asked American Congress to initiate authorization of using US military force against the war situation with ISIS. The US intelligence department has successfully identified many terrorist attack plans to stop the rampant move of the largest terrorist group ISIS. Though the US government has tried to take control of the dangerous activities of ISIS including al-Qaeda, the terrorist groups have successfully managed to raise funds and control terrorist activities in the different parts of the world (Marchington, 2013). At the same point in time, one must not forget that the momentum of terrorist activities has reduced in the past decade or so as the US intelligence group and military forces had effectively launched counterterrorism strategy to end the war against terrorism without any compromise. Unfortunately, the threats of terrorism loom large as the terrorist attacks in Paris, bombings in Beirut and London attack have demonstrated the extreme lethal power of the Islamic State groups. Nevertheless, America has achieved notable success in the fight against terrorism as US drone attacks and anti-terrorism counter-strikes have killed several mega-minds of the terrorist groups (Boeke, 2014). Still, the removal of the top heads does not seem to affect the mindset of the terrorist groups as they somehow managed to recuperate and keep coming at humanity launching assaults in a different way. The new recruits of the Islamic State group have been a worry for the world security. According to estimation in 2001, the identified members and affiliates of al-Qaeda were 300 around the world. In 2015, in Syria alone, the number of al-Qaeda members was recorded to be 30,000 (Mockaitis, 2015). The present condition of Afghanistan is a lot more sustainable due to the success story of US Mili tary group. The US Military Force has forced the terrorist groups to step back from different parts of the country (Jenkins, 2008). On the other hand, in Syria, Iraq and some other Middle-East countries, terrorist activities are mounting up quite dramatically in the past couple of years. The United States fight against terrorism is large scale tactics to stop the terrorist invasions on humanity. Somehow, some countries of the world are still helping the terrorist groups for their marginal benefits. The special military forces of US and air strikes have weakened the leadership structure of some terrorist groups (Hamilton, 2015). As a result, the groups have fallen apart. The most dominant part of the war against terrorism is the safety of civilians and security of the United Nations. The United States of America has launched campaigns in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan using unconventional tactics so that people and government can cooperate to construct a better future excluding terrorism. Most probably, the direction of securing national security is seemed to be the obvious motivation for the US government. The threats of terrorism have remained upon the world civilians. The security of the lives of American civilians is also in doubt. There is some sustainable and considerable success to be notified against terrorism although the strengths of the Islamic State group such ISIS and al-Qaeda has been boosted. The struggle against terrorism has been seemed to be magnified as media, and social media have been utilised by the terrorist group to form terror among the world civilians. The attacks in different parts of the world and the claims of the attacks have increased the fear of terrorism among the social public of the US. Therefore, one can say that the US may have won the battle but not the war against terrorism. Reducing the attacks and increasing civilians security will not do the job alone. The Islamic State groups must have been removed from its roots to cut off any chances of terror attacks on humanity. Understandably, though, people of America are quite a concern about their safet y as they have identified one of worst incident of terrorism. However, the entire population of the world including Americans will not give up against terrorism. The US government has taken all the necessary steps to stop the evil effect of terrorism to win the war within the near future. References Boeke, S. (2014). Transitioning from Military Interventions to a Long-Term Counter-Terrorism Policy.Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism Studies. Eadie, P. (2016). Counter-terrorism, Smart Power and the United States.Glob Policy. Eijkman, Q. (2012). Counter-Terrorism, Technology and Transparency: Reconsidering State Accountability.Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism Studies. Ekici, S. (2011).Counter terrorism in diverse communities. [Amsterdam]: IOS Press. Gleason, J. (2010). A Poisson model of incidents of international terrorism in the United States.Terrorism, 4(1-4), pp.259-265. Hamilton, L. (2015).To Win the War on Terror, We Must Win the War of Ideas. Hauter, B. (2014).Counter terrorism. Skyand, N.C.: Kivaki Press. Jenkins, B. (2008). Aviation security in the United States.Terrorism and Political Violence, 10(3), pp.101-111. Marchington, J. (2013).Counter terrorism. London: Brassey's.
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Rainforests of the Atsinanana, Madagascar Christy Haakenson SCI230 Introduction to Life Science Paula Roberts March 27, 2011 The ...